[Ink-Resistant] No matter if you’re utilizing ballpoint pens, gel ink pens, rollerball pens, or any kind of writing tool, Campus loose-leaf paper prevents ink from seeping through, ensuring that writing on each page remains neat and enjoyable.
[D-shaped Ring] Allows pages to be turned over and aligned with the edges of the notebook. It opens flat for easy writing and folds flat for convenient use in small spaces.
[Acid Free] The paper is pH neutral, which means it's ideal for long-term storage and won't yellow or degrade over time.
[Soft Ring] You don't have to worry about your hands on the ring when you're writing, making it easy to write on the edge of the page.
[Perforated Pages] The perforated pages of this notebook make it easy to tear out sheets cleanly and neatly. Whether you need to hand in an assignment or share your notes, the perforations ensure smooth removal.